This story is divided into arcs consisting up multiple chapters. Some arcs have short epilogues at the end called "Cookies" or "Bonus". The English translation only has arc titles following Chapter 112. The English translation released every day until Feb 1, 2018. Now the series releases on Sundays.
- Exposition
- Breakaway
- Lee Jinsung
- Vasco
- Hong Jay Yeol
- Festival
- Paprika TV
- Secondhand Rana
- Midterms
- Autumn Boot Camp
- Pavlov's Dog
- Lee Euntae
- Abandoned Dog Enu
- Attention Whore
- Jae Yeol and Enu's Pups
- Fitting Model
- Jinsung's Date
- Dangerous Part Time Job
- Vasco's Birthday Party
- Illegal Toto
- Sports Festival
- PTJ Entertainment
- Jae Yeol's Wallet
- Stalker
- Second Year
- Troubled Transfer
- First Love
- Cult
- Picnic
- Animal Cruelty
- Thanksgiving
- Seonong Goes to Seoul
- Crystal's Investigation
- Fake Bank Account
- Daniel Park's Death
- The Truth Behind Daniel Park
- Vasco's Blind Date
- Juvenile Prison
- Zack's Babysitting Diaries
- Daniel Park
- Homeless
- Daniel Park vs Logan Lee
- God Dog
- Jacedaichi Case Files
- Runaway Fam
- Eli Jang
- Wuthering J High
- Jin Jang's Analysis
- Hostel Branch
- One Night
- Juvenile Prison Jiho Park
- Hostel
- Daniel Park VS Gun
- Workers (4th Affliate)
- VS Johan Seong
- Jake Kim
- One Night II
- Club
- Workers (3rd Affiliate)
- The Summit Meeting
- James Lee
- One Night III
- Jiho's Last Moment
- Workers (2nd Affiliate)
- The Kidnapping of Daniel Park
- The Hunt for Hostel
- First Generation King
- The Hunt for Big Deal
- The United Four Major Crews
- Holidays 2
- Funeral
- Lookism
- The First Affiliate's Dark Secret
- Workers (1st Affiliate)
- A Drink Between Brothers
- Gun's Choice
- The King of..
- Cheonliang
- The Hunt for Gun
- Shiro Oni
- Busan